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Cover Story | Destination: Change
12/29/2015 9:49:23 AM

By Craig Howard
Splash Contributor

It's estimated that around 40 percent of Americans will make some sort of New Year's resolution heading into 2016. Dropping pounds, debt and unproductive time headline many lists, while adding hobbies, wisdom and better health compete for the top spot on the annual inventory of goals.

While the prioritization of upgrades might make sense with the start of a fresh year, retaining focus for a dozen months can be a different story. It turns out resolve requires a considerable helping of perseverance. Confucius may have said it best over 2,500 years ago - "When it is obvious that a goal cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps."

In Liberty Lake, civic-minded goals have formed the foundation of what Mayor Steve Peterson commonly refers to as "Spokane County's premier address." When the lake itself became a quagmire of swirling sludge in the early 1970s, a group of residents resolved to clean it up, leading to the formation of the Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District. 

Similar grassroots efforts led to the construction of Pavillion Park, a world-class trail system and a library that began with citizens setting a goal of collecting books to stock the shelves. When it became clear in the late 1990s that Spokane County could not provide adequate coverage for the burgeoning area, a dedicated group formed an objective to put incorporation on the ballot, leading to the passage of cityhood in November 2000.

How important are goals? Ralph Marston, publisher of over 5,000 inspirational sayings on his site, "Daily Motivator," since 1996, offered this equation: "Your goals, minus your doubts, equal your reality." 

When cognitive science pioneer Stephen Duneier went about setting resolutions for 2012, he mapped out a dozen "learning" and a dozen "giving" goals for the New Year. Referred to as "12 for 2012," the ambitious lineup included reading 50 books over 52 weeks, learning how to conquer headaches, running a half marathon and taking up the unicycle. On the charitable side, Duneier built homes for those in need of shelter, signed up to be an organ and tissue donor, knitted items for Warm Up America and encouraged others to "pay it forward."

Keeping with the theme of a dozen, the Splash asked 12 recognizable residents to tell us about their aspirations as the calendar turns. Respondents come from a variety of fields, including government, business, the nonprofit realm and more. Those who answered gave us a pair of resolutions - one on the personal level and another with a broader theme related to the community, a business or a cause. The result is an impressive list of micro and macro objectives that, if accomplished, should have a noticeable ripple effect on Liberty Lake.  

Let the betterment begin…


Katy Allen
City Administrator, Liberty Lake

To focus more on what is important while remembering the "3 L's," which are to live, laugh and learn. I need to stop and smell the roses, enjoying the moment and those I'm fortunate to call my friends. To be less serious and more joyous while seeking ways to connect more often with family, friends and colleagues - and I need to lose the same 15 pounds that was on my resolution list for 2015!

Contribute more to the community and to celebrate life in Liberty Lake, our mayor and council and our incredible city staff. 

Brian Asmus
Chief, Liberty Lake Police Department

Spend more time with my family, specifically my dad and brother and his family that all live on the west side of the state. I have made time for my career and several volunteer organizations and excuses seem to prevent me from making the trip over to visit more often.

Professionally, I am committed to ensuring that Liberty Lake remains one of the safest cities in Washington by encouraging positive partnerships with the residents and business community and providing the officers with the training and equipment necessary to accomplish the mission.

Shaun Brown
Community volunteer, co-founder of The Liberty Lake Splash

I have a goal to make time to become very informed about the candidates for the 2016 election.

On May 5, 2015, I wandered into the Liberty Lake Library shortly before noon and glanced at the bulletin board. I saw an announcement for a National Day of Prayer Celebration being held at Pavillion Park at noon. I was thrilled to discover this event and rushed over to the park to join a handful of people from our community, singing patriotic songs and sharing thoughts about our great country. I set myself a goal for 2016 to help get the word out about this great event so more people can attend.

Phil Champlin 
Executive Director, HUB Sports Center

I would like to be more active in 2016. I want to take more advantage of the activities and opportunities at the HUB Sports Center where I work.

To continue collaboration with community groups to provide events and activities at the HUB Sports Center. To raise the necessary capital to purchase the HUB Sports Center and retain it as a permanent resource to this community for generations to come. 

Pat Dockrey 
Executive Director, Food 4 Thought; longtime member, Liberty Lake Kiwanis

Personally, my wife and I are going to be downsizing in the next few years. Deciding exactly how that will work is a continuing process. What we agree on is that we will be staying in Liberty Lake.

I encourage citizens to get informed about the upcoming city capital improvements. There are some important issues to be decided. Come to a council meeting to get your questions answered and make sure your voice is heard. I also encourage everyone to spend some time as a volunteer. Scouting, schools, churches, charities - they all need volunteers to do their job. 

Jim Frank
Founder, Greenstone Homes

I'm working a little less now that our company has been handed off to a younger generation of leaders. The new year will be one of personal change. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to mentor those now in leadership roles and the opportunity to spend more time with my family and 11 grandchildren.

Liberty Lake has always stayed ahead of the need for community services - 2016 provides an opportunity to focus on the need for park, recreation and community center issues. Finalizing the design of the proposed community center/library/swimming pool in the town center location and the planned Orchard Park in the River District neighborhood will set our direction for many years. As a community, we need to resolve to put out best efforts into these projects.

Cris Kaminskas
Mayor Pro Tem, City of Liberty Lake

Instead of focusing on breaking bad habits, I like to focus on establishing new or improved goals - but why wait until Jan.1? Start now! After taking almost a year off from running, I've already started an improved training plan so I can run my first 50K trail race this summer. 

Continue to improve communication with the community and educate them about what goes on in our city. More specifically, to provide unbiased information regarding the upcoming pool and community center at Town Square so voters can make a well-educated decision when the bond measure comes up for a vote in August.

Jessica Kovac
Co-founder, Blessings Under the Bridge

My New Year's resolution is to find balance. Spend more time with God, my family and myself. Be a better mother, wife, grandmother and friend. Live life simpler, less stressed and laugh more. Learn to slow down and breathe and finish my book. 

To see people live, love and serve. My hope is to see more people doing more to help others in a way that comes without strings, conditions and hesitation. I would love to see those I serve find hope and happiness. Finally, that I can see and bring more Blessings Under the Bridge.

Pamela Mogen
Director, Liberty Lake Library 

My most exciting personal resolution for 2016 is to visit my three sons in Texas, Wahington, D.C., and Germany. Number two is to start writing my fifth book (as Pamela Aidan). My third resolution is to finish knitting my first pair of socks!

My goal for the library in 2016 is to enhance its role as the community's center, its "third place," fostering communication, collaboration and high quality educational opportunities. Our first step in 2016 will be to add Gale Courses to our digital offerings. I also look forward to the possibilities created by a new library home that will truly reflect its role as a civic and cultural landmark.

Steve Peterson
Mayor, Liberty Lake

Many people do not know that I am a student pilot and have been off and on for 35 years. In 2016, I will get my private pilot's license. To that end, I have been earnestly flying to build my flight hours so will be eligible to test out in 2016. Lesson learned: Never give up on your goal!

My city resolution is for us to reach out more to our community and engage them as we bring our projects forward. Our goal will be greater city presence on social media and try to encourage attendance and comments at our council meetings.

Steve Skipworth 
Commissioner, Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District

For 2016, I'm personally looking at working harder at retirement. Hopefully I'll do better.

As for the Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District, we will continue to serve the community of Liberty Lake with the same dedication we have in the past. This year, we will be starting our next upgrade to the water reclamation plant. The district has spent the last year finalizing the plans and lining up the financing, everything is coming together - not an easy task. I'm very proud of our staff. Also, I'm hoping for snow and rain - crazy I know, but needed.

Wayne Williams
President and CEO, Telect

My goals for 2016 include the following: Read the entire bible in one year; it took me two years before. Do one fun thing a week for myself. Weekly "date night" with my wife as we enter our 32nd year of marriage. Invest in my children and their spouses as a life mentor. Play with and teach my grandchildren about legacy and technology.

Invest in my "2:30 Team" of five people - those that I know will be there for me at 2:30 a.m., if needed. Hit greater than 20 percent revenue and gross margin growth for our business. Be a mentor to others in my spare time. My best to others as they, too, identify what can be impactful in their lives throughout the coming year. Happy New Year!
