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Eat, Shop & Be Merry: 12 Gifts of Christmas
11/23/2015 3:20:49 PM

By Chad Kimberley
Eat, Shop & Be Merry Column

I love Christmas music. 

I love that some radio stations start playing Christmas carols Nov. 1, despite the argument that an elf kills a baby reindeer each time a carol is played before Thanksgiving. 

I love the kid-like jingles and imagining mom kissing Santa Claus (and truly hoping that it is dad and not the mall Santa) and grandma being run over by a reindeer. I love the classics and listening to Bing Crosby and Nat King Cole along with all the odd releases like Guns N' Roses and Alvin and the Chipmunks. 

Despite the literally thousands of different Christmas carols out there, the one I always come back to, for purely selfish reasons, is "12 Days of Christmas." You see, when I was a kid I always imagined that song being my personal Christmas gift list. I wanted 12 new Star Wars action figures (I never did get Admiral Ackbar), nine posters of Alyssa Milano for my walls (you know nine is the ladies dancing), seven new Nintendo games (I played Contra for hours), four boxes of baseball cards (still bitter my mom threw them all out) and one trampoline (asked for it every year - never got it). 

I see now that the whole aiming to get 78 gifts each Christmas may seem a bit selfish (OK, a lot selfish), but now as an adult with three kids who all have their own Christmas wish lists, I have come to realize the importance of teaching a bit of balance and selflessness. After all, this is a season that becomes a bit materialistic. 

So let's turn that same song around. Instead of giving our first loves (friends and family) tons of gifts, how about we show some love to those in our community who could really use the gift of our generosity this season. I think the new song may start a bit like this …

"On the first day of Christmas I gave my community …"

12 Dollar Bills 
One of the best things you could do this Christmas season is keep a plethora of dollar bills (at least 12) in your car so that each time you stop at the grocery store or the department store you can drop a dollar into the red kettles that the Salvation Army has out and about throughout this holiday season. The Salvation Army helps over 4 million people in the Unites States each year through those red kettles each Thanksgiving and Christmas season.

11 Cans of Food
There are many groups doing food drives throughout the holiday season, and you can pick from multiple organizations you want to help. One group I have volunteered with and given to is Second Harvest, who in turns partners with lots of groups in our community. Second Harvest distributes over 2 million pounds of free food each month throughout Eastern Washington and North Idaho.

10 Pairs of Gloves
Gloves, blankets or even hand warmers would be a great donation to Blessings Under the Bridge, who will then distribute them to folks in need who are out on the streets or struggling to find consistently warm places to sleep and stay. We can all relate to be freezing cold, but most of us can remedy that situation quickly. Let's help those who can't this holiday season.

9 Hours of Time
Perhaps making a donation isn't possible this season, but many organizations all over the Valley would love to have you show up to donate time to help them meet needs. Whether it is one of the organizations mentioned in this column or another group that you are passionate about, please take an hour a day to make a difference.

8 Holiday Voices
Grab together a few friends and head out to a local retirement or nursing home and bring some holiday cheer by singing out a few Christmas carols or stopping in for a great conversation. Put a smile on someone's face, make a new friend and spread some Christmas joy. 

7 Clothing Items
Teen Closet is an organization that aims to help boost the confidence of teens in foster care by providing contemporary and fashionable clothes. Teen Closet looks for items that are brand new or gently used, suited for a current teenager and have no stains or holes in the clothing. 

6 Tree of Sharing Gifts
Spokane Valley Partners is a local organization that provides various services, including a clothing and food bank for local families. During the Christmas season, the organization has a Tree of Sharing that provides gifts for nearly 100 families in the Spokane Valley community. Make a commitment to provide six of those gifts this holiday season.

5 Toys For Tots
What would the Christmas season be without toys? Yes, it is important to help provide basic needs like warmth, food and shelter, but for a kid it does make for a special Christmas when you get a brand new toy. Toys for Tots aims to deliver a new toy at Christmas, and more importantly a message of hope to less fortunate youngsters and lets them know someone, somewhere cares. 

4 Bags of Dog or Cat Food
It is not just kids and adults who might need some help during the Christmas season, but it is also our four-legged friends. SCRAPS is the only animal protection agency for Spokane County and could use donations to help meet needs. One of the big needs is quality puppy or cat food - and preferably Purina One brand food. You may not be able to adopt a new pet this Christmas season, but you can help some furry critters stay healthy until someone else can bring them home.

3 Packages of Diapers
Inland NW Baby is an organization trying to help families who struggle to provide clothing and diapers for those in need. One of the largest needs is diapers, so this Christmas season make it a point to pick up some diapers each time you do some Christmas shopping and be able to help bless local families this winter. 

2 Tickets To "White Christmas"
By picking up two tickets to the show "White Christmas" at the Spokane Civic Theater on Dec. 16, you will be participating in a fundraiser for Hearth Homes in Spokane Valley. Hearth Homes is the only transitional home in the Valley for women recovering from domestic violence, chemical dependency and other traumas. Not only do you see a great show, you can participate in a silent auction and impact lives. 

1 Happy Camper
It is easy to get caught up in the chaos, busyness and potential grumpiness of the Christmas season. Make a commitment to yourself and others to be a happy camper this holiday season, and greet one and all with a smile and some joy.

Chad Kimberley is a local teacher and coach. He lives in Liberty Lake.
