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Letters to the Editor
9/28/2015 2:06:33 PM

FOPP deserves praise for Dawes
I just wanted to say that the Dawes concert was amazing and fabulous, and I want to thank the Friends of Pavillion Park for bringing such a talent to Liberty Lake. We knew the band but many of our friends and neighbors didn't. They came to the concert with us and totally enjoyed the band.

I sure hope whoever brought them in this year knows that we were just in awe that they were here in our community, and the concert was fantastic!

Terry Rathbun
Liberty Lake

Good Samaritans return club
I was surprised answering my door a few days ago.  Two young gentlemen returned a golf club of mine that they found at Trailhead Golf Course. I had my name and address on it.  

Not thinking to ask their names, I would like to again express my appreciation to them.  It is such a good feeling to be reminded of those who go out of their way to show integrity and goodness in our community.

Ann Dame
Liberty Lake
