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Letters to the Editor
4/29/2015 8:26:19 AM

LLPD lauded for closed case
I would like to thank Officer Thomas and Detective Bourgeois on the fine job they did in locating the tools that were stolen from me in a recent burglary. They should be commended.

Tom Manfred
Liberty Lake

Anonymous act appreciated
I would like to thank the kind soul who returned my purse earlier this month. I don't know who you are because you humbly did not leave your name with the Liberty Lake Albertsons customer service.

Apparently my very small, lightweight bag slipped off my shoulder without notice as I wrestled with groceries. You found it in the busy parking lot and turned it in completely unscathed and intact.

For all honest individuals, recognized or not, I thank you with sincere appreciation. You're a bright spot in the world!

Sheila Carson
Newman Lake

Respect the land
On our morning walks up Bella Lago we often enjoy seeing deer, owls or a friendly lab named Zoe. Imagine our dismay to ever more frequently coming across garbage carelessly strewn at the top. Fast food bags and wrappers, beverage containers (some alcoholic, most not), even a few items more … delicate in nature. 

Really, people? Is this the best we can do? Can we not teach our children better than this? The world is not your trash can. Have some respect. Pack out what you pack in. This stuff doesn't just blow away. It ends up somewhere and lessens the quality of life for everyone and everything.

Think about what you're leaving behind. Is that how you really want to live?

LuAnn Ragge
Liberty Lake
