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Maia, Kaelyn and Emma Frederick recently performed with the Spokane Youth Ballet in “The Dancing Princesses” at the Fox Theatre.

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In the March Wave: Dedicated to dance
2/25/2015 12:43:48 PM

Sisters study the art of ballet and take the stage in local productions

By Tammy Kimberley
Splash Staff Writer

Kaelyn Frederick's journey into dance began when she was just a toddler. Noticing that her daughter was motivated more by music than sports, Katie Frederick started Kaelyn in piano lessons, which led to dance classes. 

Over the years, Kaelyn, 15, has been involved in jazz, modern and tap dance, but her true love is ballet. Due in some part to her example, Kaelyn's younger sisters Emma, 9, and Maia, 7, have discovered they also enjoy ballet. The Frederick family has found itself immersed in dance, with the three sisters being involved in local performances with The Academy of Dance as well as the Spokane Youth Ballet. 

The girls were recently cast in roles for "The Dancing Princesses" put on by the Spokane Youth Ballet in February at the Fox Theater in Spokane. Kaelyn was one of the princesses, while Emma was a flower and Maia was a silver firefly. 

"When Kaelyn first performed, she was a flower," Katie said. "It's fun to see it come full circle." 

Maia, who has been taking ballet for a year and a half, said she looks forward to the performances because there are "tons of people and lots of flowers."

"I like it when I'm on the stage 'cuz I get to show off," Maia said. "Plus I get to dance with my sister, Kaelyn."

The girls train at The Academy of Dance in Spokane Valley, led by Kristen Potts. Maia attends lessons two days a week, while Emma takes classes four days a week. 

Kaelyn, a freshman at CV, said she is at the studio six days a week for an average of two to three hours each day. She is hoping her time and dedication will pay off with a college dance scholarship. 

"Our studio is a place where you can get enough training to pursue a career in it," she said. "Every year (Kristen) has us write down what we're looking to achieve. You have to be willing to work at the stuff you're not good at, which takes a lot of time and effort."

Besides being one of the girls' instructors, Kristen also serves as artistic director of the Spokane Youth Ballet. Emma said Kristen does her best to make sure the dancers all know how to perform the right way. 

"She corrects you in a nice way," Emma said. "She doesn't just let you keep doing it if you're doing it wrong." 

Kristen's teaching and skill has brought a lot to the community, Katie said. With each of the productions - which have varied from "A Midsummer Night's Dream" to "Hansel and Gretel" - Kristen intertwines dancers of all ages and skill levels to create an actual story and true ballet experience.

"We've lived all over the country and been part of many studios, but I've never been as impressed with a studio as I've been with hers," Katie said.

According to Kristen, learning ballet technique and artistry while having fun are just some of the benefits of kids being involved in a serious classical dance program. Other advantages include self-discipline, focus, confidence, fitness, courtesy and respect toward others and one's self, critical thinking skills, musicality, memory skills and positive self-esteem.

She believes that once a child finds something he or she is passionate about, they should focus on that.

"Persistence and focus leads to mastery, mastery leads to confidence and this spills over into all paths they might choose to walk during their lives," she said.  

Kaelyn described her dance friends as her second family. Even though many of the dancers go to different schools and vary in age, she said that the time they spend together in dance has made them close.

"I love that it's a second family there," Katie said. "Kristen has been a good role model for the kids. She has really helped them develop and become better dancers."

• • •

Wave Profiles: Frederick girls

Kaelyn, 15
Emma, 9
Maia, 7

Parents, Justin and Katie; brother, Kenton

Dog, Zoe

Years lived in Liberty Lake 
Five years this summer

Activities enjoyed together
Ballet, watching movies 
