Splash photo by Hope Brumbach

Jennifer Ophardt shows the theatre flats she’s constructing in her garage.

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Staging culture in LL
7/15/2009 9:26:19 AM

By Hope Brumbach
Splash Editor

Jennifer Ophardt

When Jennifer Ophardt and her family first moved to Liberty Lake in 2007, she stopped by City Hall to inquire about any community or civic theatre groups in town.

City staff told her to put a notice in the newspaper for the group to gather. At the meeting, Jennifer asked the attendees where community theatre could be found in Liberty Lake. They responded, "We thought this was it."

So with that, Ophardt found herself spearheading a movement that last year formed Liberty Lake Community Theatre, a group that aims to bring cultural offerings to town.

Earlier this year, the all-ages group put on its first performance, "Hood, of Sherwood." This week, they hosted a youth theatre camp. Later this summer, the group is planning a performance in the park and a theatre festival at the Liberty Lake Farmers' Market.

The group has 27 official members and an e-mail interest group of more than 200. It also is filing for nonprofit status.

It hasn't come easily, though, Ophardt said. She's had to cancel a show because of poor audition turnout, and the group is laboring to find a suitable local venue.


"If I got paid for all the hours I put into theatre, I think I would be rolling in the money," said Ophardt, 26, who volunteers as founder and president of Liberty Lake Community Theatre. But the reward is worthwhile, she said. "It's nice to have something to do for the community."

Ophardt has persevered through the difficulties, said the group's secretary, Tracy Cavanaugh.

"She is the most tenacious person I have ever met. She will not give up," Cavanaugh said.

Last summer, to raise money, Ophardt convinced a grocery store to donate bottled water, which she sold at a garage sale, which also benefited the theatre group, helping it to file for incorporation, Cavanaugh said.

"Liberty Lake seems to be all about community; there's movies and bands and library carnivals - and it seems to fit well," Cavanaugh said about Liberty Lake Community Theatre.

The group's fundraising chair, Keith Kolpelson, heard about Liberty Lake Community Theatre from a presentation Ophardt gave at a Rotary function.

"She takes it very seriously and she meets the right people and gets a lot of involvement from people. But she does a lot of it herself," Kolpelson said. "We're excited to actually see it grow. Once people find out about us, it will really take off."

In the coming year, Ophardt hopes to host a murder mystery dinner and a theatrical makeup workshop before Halloween - which would give lessons on bruises, cuts and old age techniques.

But at this point, she's staying away from performing.

"People always ask the same thing, ‘Are you going to act?' And no, I acted in high school and college. Maybe sometime," said Ophardt, who graduated from high school in Prosser, Wash., and earned a bachelor's degree from Washington State University.

She met her husband, Matt, in high school, where Ophardt first became a thespian. She did it all: performance, makeup, costumes, set design, even a little lighting and sound.

"I think I liked it because of the people. You'd get a wide range of different people and they're all outgoing or loud or funny. That was fun," she said.

Her involvement with Liberty Lake Community Theatre has helped her feel connected, she said. And in the future, she has big dreams for the group.

"I have a vision that in 10 years, we're going to have a theatre," Ophardt said. "Hey, maybe I will be working there for even a paid position. That would be awesome."

Jennifer Ophardt

Married to Matt; two daughters, ages 3 and 1

Self-employed graphic designer, project manager and event coordinator


Lived in Liberty Lake
Since 2007

Dream trip
"Hop around Europe"

Hobbies and interests
Photography, art, scrapbooking, playing games, playing with her daughters, traveling

Favorite play/show
"Into the Woods"

Web site

Upcoming events
Theatre festival Aug. 8 at Farmers' Market
"Law & Order: Fairy Tale Unit" Aug. 22 at Pavillion Park