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Letters to the Editor
7/29/2014 2:05:00 PM

FOPP extends thanks
On behalf of the Friends of Pavilion board of directors and volunteers, I would like to say thanks for the great turnout at the 4th of July concert at Pavillion Park. Just a reminder that the Aug. 23 Shakespeare "As You Like It" play and the August 30 Spokane Symphony concert are still to come.

If you would like to assure that future concerts continue to be free, please consider making a donation to Friends of Pavillion Park at www.pavillionpark.org.

Bob Schneidmiller
President, Friends of Pavillion Park

Keep Chase and Shea in office
Campaign season is in full swing and therefore the attacks are on. I have been involved in political campaigns for nearly 20 years. This year has been the most egregious against the freedom and liberty minded folks who we have elected to represent and serve us, the people.

Our current treasurer, Rob Chase, has actually engaged his staff to be an active part of the office he serves, to do the job they were hired to do. He has the highest satisfaction rating ever, both among the staff that he works with and the people of the county he serves. Rob Chase worked with the State Legislators this past year to introduce and pass a phenomenal property rights bill. This bill gives Rob's constituents an avenue that they can use to pay their property taxes incrementally and not lose their home to a fee hungry county. Thank you, Rob, for looking out for those you serve.

And as for Rep. Matt Shea, the ugliness of politics rears its ugly head within the Republican Party to destroy and dissuade voter support of a representative who not only fights for our freedom, but fights to restrict government and not the people. Rep. Shea works on lessening the impact of regulations and opening doors to cost effective legislation that reaches across party lines. Do not fall for half-truths that distort this man's integrity. Lies and deception are tactics of those who will not stand with constitutional freedom fighters, who take their oaths seriously.

Both of these men, Rep. Matt Shea and Treasurer Rob Chase, are upstanding truth seekers and freedom fighters. They are standing in the gap to defend you and I against a government that seems to want to strip away every right and bring you under a mentality of slavery.

Think for yourself, look at their records, do not listen to rhetoric. Vote for freedom. Vote to re-elect Treasurer Rob Chase and 4th Dist. Rep. Matt Shea.

Cindy Marshall
Otis Orchards


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